There are a lot of factors to consider when looking for a therapist, many of which are not common knowledge to the average person. Good therapists can be hard to find, but it is certainly not impossible. Below are a few tips to get you started for a better you.
Read MoreThe little things add up, but so does being there when they’re going through rough times. When we are going through a difficult time (a break up, death, job loss, etc.) it is always the friends that stuck around that we remember.
Read MoreNot feeling close to your family feels a lot like a ship without an anchor: it feels as though there is nothing tethering you to the safety of knowing you’ll be ok. However, not having a strong family connection does not have to be detrimental to your development. In fact, when people don’t have this connection, they often unconsciously create familial bonds with friends and other figures to make up for it.
Read MoreShe needed to be the keynote speaker at this conference. She was eons beyond the people who were promoting disordered behavior as “health”. It took me years of self-exploration to get to the place that this 12-year-old knew so naturally. I was both impressed and envious of how easily she laughed in the face of diet culture.
Read MoreWe live in a society where it is not only socially acceptable but socially expected for people to be actively pursuing weight loss. This comes from an unscientific cultural notion that fat is unhealthy. This idea is in contrast to a lot of research which points to the fear of gaining weight has more negative health outcomes than being in a larger body.
Read MoreI see my shadow as my greatest teacher. My shadow is my mirror. My shadow reminds me that I still have work to do in my self-development. My shadow prompts me to not think of myself as so different from others, but, rather, uses others as a way to have a deeper understanding of myself.
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